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BREAST REDUCTION & BREAST UPLIFT - all photos courtesy Dr. S. Narinesingh
Brief Overview
Breast reduction is an operation to reduce the size of one or both breasts by removing both skin and breast tissue. The surgery can relieve the discomfort caused by the weight of the breasts such as grooving from bra straps, back and neck pain and rashes beneath the breasts. The size of your breasts can also make you very self conscious of your appearance including when exercising. A breast reduction can make you feel more confident when exercising and give you more freedom to select the clothes you want to wear.

Breast uplift is an operation to improve the shape of the breast and the location of the nipple without significantly reducing the size of the breasts. This operation can help patients who are unhappy with the shape and droop of their breasts by creating a more uplifted breasts. There are many reasons a patient may need a breast lift the most common reasons are:

Pregnancy - loss of weight and also elasticity of the skin from enlarged breasts during pregnancy
Weight fluctuations - massive weight loss or gain in weight may cause the breasts to lose elasticity
Age - causes the skin to stretch resulting in drooping breasts
What do they involve?
In a breast reduction excess skin and breast tissue is removed and the nipple repositioned to suit your new breast size. The skin and breast tissue are reshaped and closed with stitches. The final scar is shaped either like a lollipop or anchor. A breast uplift involves the removal of excess skin with little or no breast tissue removed. The breasts are then reshaped and the nipple repositioned. The final scar is usually either a lollipop or anchor but sometimes is confined to around the areola as a circle.
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